Columbus Festival Porto Santo 12th September
The Columbus Festival is an historical recreation of the time when Cristopher Columbus (a famous explorer/colonist) lived on the island of Porto Santo, remembering his experiences on the archipelago of Madeira.
It takes place on Vila Baleira, during the month of September more specifically from the 12th to the 14th, the goal of the festival is to remember and celebrate the Portuguese adventurers and their findings.
The event includes: the disembarkation of Columbus, an ancient market that has gastronomy, crafts, circus arts, teathral representations, dexterity games, weapon training, acrobatics, juggling, a lot of music and exotic dances, ensuring permanent entertainment.
On thursday the 12th, there is the disembarkation and reception of Columbus. At night fall, hundreds of people go to the beach to watch the arrival of Columbus. The show begins with the emerging replica of the Santa Maria de Colombo caravel, bringing on board the genoese sailor and his crew. The caravel approaches as close as it cans to the shore and the disembarkment is done to smaller boats. As soon as Columbus steps the sand, the show begins. There is historical dialogues, courtesies and offers to the historical sailor, music and dancing, as well as, inumerous representatives from the different social classes and cleric and several parades.
Mercado Quinhentista
The Mercado Quinhentista is nothing more than a recreation of the frenetic market seen on those ancient times. In addition to the market items, it includes all that goes through the gastronomy, the relationship between merchants and buyers, militar garrison, circus arts, theatral scenes and diverse entertainment as well as constant "arraiais", diverse music and oriental and european dances.